Gratitude Of Life (Poem)

1 min readNov 14, 2023


Gratitude Of Life (Poem)

Gratitude can be found may it oh so subtle
In brief moments of joy, or the notion of motivate
It comes in waves of applause or a crunchy, warm bagel
For the sweet earth that hums to a steady and silent serenade

It is that tingling feeling of joy that strikes
When we receive something, be it large or small
For it’s not the gift’s size that binds the heart’s ties
But the feeling of wonder and being taken care of that’s all

Grateful for the stars that dot the night sky
The way a child’s laughter can fill a room
Or the beauty of the morning sun and its first light
These moments take us beyond this world’s doom

The world can be harsh, but in the midst of it all
We can find ourselves beaming in its depths
Gratitude radiating with conscious thought
A warmth inside that never ever forgets

(please do not use my image I created it with AI do not use it without my permission)




Hi there nice to meet you my name is daniel and I post poetry. Hope you like it.